Støtte til krigens ofre i Ukraina

Presidenten i Korosten Rotaryklubb takker for pengegaven og skriver blant annet:

Glory to the heroes! Our Rotary Club Korosten Ukraine expresses its deep gratitude to your Rotary club Hamar Norway for the assistance rendered at this difficult time for Ukraine.  Thanks to your financial support, together with you, we have tried to give mercy, warmth, kindness and attention to many social areas such as: a hospital, a nursing home, an orphanage, a Baby's home, a military unit, a children's psycho-neurotic boarding school, refugees from military operations, pensioners, disabled people. Many Ukrainians, receiving this charitable assistance, cried and expressed a huge number of words of gratitude to you.  By these actions, together with you, we show the people of Ukraine in practice that Ukrainians are not alone, that there is world support, and that there are kind people like you in the world.  We Rotarians of the whole world are one big family, and how good it is to see in practice when the Rotary motto is realized, “serving the society over personal interests”, By our joint work we bring peace in Ukraine and all over the world.  My two little daughters, who used to ask Santa Claus for gifts in the form of toys for the New Year, this year they ask for only one peace in Ukraine and throughout the world, and I can say with confidence that the children of all Ukraine want only world peace.  Once again we want to thank your RC and you personally on behalf of our RC and on behalf of all Ukrainians who received part of your human warmth in the form of this humanitarian aid, thank you.  If you have the opportunity for ongoing assistance, we are always happy and open.  Hugs to you, Merry Christmas.

Vi har fått oversendt mer enn 100 bilder fra matutdelingen, i klubbens lokaler og hjemme hos mottakerne. Her er et lite utvalg.

Nytt medlem i Hamar Rotaryklubb

4. september 2023

Nytt medlem i Hamar Rotaryklubb

Den 31. august tok vi opp Ingunn Helene Narmo Kristensen som medlem. Her er hun sammen med klubbpresident Ole-Gerhard Røn. Vi ønsker Ingunn hjertelig velkommen!

Sosiale medier


Møtested: Storhamarstuene
Adresse: Strandvegen 98
Postnummer: 2315
Sted: Hamar
Land: NO
Møtedag: Torsdag
Møtetid: 18:15
Møtespråk: no
Møtedetaljer: Kaffe fra 17:30. Møtet starter presis.

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